(Mind that in college my best friends & I shot each other with homemade blowdarts. Guy stuff.)

The Christian response is that God is everywhere. We call this "omnipresence."
However, most Christians also believe that God is more fully manifest in some other realm than the one that is apparent to us every day.
So, where is the realm of God's more complete manifestation?
At this point I think most Christians would say, "I have no idea."
That sounds like the best answer to me.
Other answers might include something about a "spiritual realm."
Fair enough. I think I generally imagine a multi-dimensional universe, most of which eludes us, and some dimension/s of which is the "place" (if we can call it that) that allows fuller communion between God and the world. I believe someday that dimension will break in on this one in a unprecedented "revelation." I'm not sure I would call it the "spiritual realm," because that seems to imply that the world we live in is not spiritual while I think of it as more integrated.
Simpler question: Does anyone think that the realm of God (or "heaven") is "up"?
If we could just travel vertically far enough, trangressing solar system, galaxy, etc. would we get there? I hope most Christians would say "no." Again, I think that's the best answer.
That being the case, here's a harder question:
Why did Jesus "ascend" into the heavens at the end of his physical time on earth?

Funny, but its not a matter of what I would "want him to do."
Let me suggest another answer.
If Jesus had sort of disappeared (In the manner of Star Trek "beaming") to "break on through to the other side" that would have communicated impermanence to his disciples, when he had just told them, "I am with you always."
Based on limited research, I think most pre-moderns did imagine that "up" was the direction to go to get to the realm of God/s, from Babel, to Mt. Sinai, to Mt. Olympus, to sun, moon and star worship, "up" seemed like the logical direction to direct worship, or to locate the presence of the divine, though obviously, this was far from exclusive.
So, when Jesus ascended, God was doing something that humans could understand. I'm suggesting that it was a concession to the particular human finitude of that time, as well as being a slightly theatrical way of communicating majesty. It wasn't a cruel "prank." It was a sort of "divine sleight-of-hand."

Would it honor God if we insisted that traveling vertically from Israel at a particular point in the earth's rotation and orbit (and who knows what else?) would ultimately get us to the throne of God?
I don't know anyone who thinks that, but are there other things that we are still clinging to, when it would now please God if we let go?
Maybe God really wants us to "get it" and stopped whacking ourselves in the back of the head.
I'd be surprised to get to heaven and see Jesus seated in celestial furniture to the right of God. Though I guess it's possible.
But yeah, I don't think the direction was the point.
If it happened in modern times, I think maybe Jesus woulded have grabbed the edge of a regular old shadow and walked behind it.
Then again, shadows don't capture all that "descending" to our level does.
And...speaking in tongues. Healing the sick. What did that these mean then. How do they apply now?
I think that heaven is definitely an "upper" in more ways than one ! Its not a "downer". 2 Kings 2:1-11, Genesis 5:24/Hebr.11:5, 1 Cor. 15:52, 1 Thess.4:16-17, Acts 1:9, Revelation 11:12, numerous others point to heaven as up. I also believe its "up up and away" and OUT; translated out of this earthly realm to the heavenly one. Some of those laws of quantum physics Rob Bell talks about, are probably involved in this, as well as the appearance of angels on earth, having been sent from heaven. Guess we'll just have to wait and see !!
Thought-provoking, and funny, Matt.
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