One of the most horrible things I did in elementary school was to throw my math work in the trash in my first grade class out of frustration and when the teacher saw it and got mad, I blamed this really unpopular girl for it. Pretty evil for first grade I think. The teacher scolded her and I think she cried. I haven't seen her in over 25 years and I still pray for her. Math (and insecurity) makes me do horrible things... I've always hated it.

Math has also been a source of great irony in my life:
In high school I was the dunce in my math class.
Somehow, I went into the final with a 65 in the previous quarter and busted a 100% on the final. I still remember the looks of disbelief on my friends' faces.
I had to RE-learn it all for the GRE (graduate school acceptance exam).
The process infuriated me, but I worked my butt off and scored higher on the math than the verbal.
I was also the dunce in my high school accounting class and I never learned to use EXCEL until a couple years ago. Now I have to manage 8 different budgets.
A few weeks ago I had to multiply 20 times 15 to determine a figure for an unusual $ situation.
I came up with 3000. I gave this figure to several people.
15 hours after my original calculation, as I was laying in bed, it came to me that the correct answer was... Well, you probably know.
I can't multiple two 2-digit numbers in my head and come within 2000 of the correct figure!
I and a few other people got a good laugh out of this.
I hope to earn a PhD this year.
I hate math.
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